Ed Byrnes Shared A Story About Meeting His Wife

In 2003, Ed Byrne met his future wife, Claire Walker at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Walker was doing press interviews promoting Dara Briain’s program while the comedian was performing in the same location. He sought to gain her phone number after meeting her. “Don’t hand it over to him. I didn’t like the way his jib was cut “Walker informed Briain. She said she didn’t know him well since they had only met a few times. Byrne’s wife said she didn’t like him since he wasn’t her cup of tea. But the Irish actor had no plans to abandon Walker. He’d stalked her throughout the Scottish city for two weeks, sending her several text messages.

Ed Byrne’s wife Claire Walker, recalls their first meeting.

Walker claimed in an interview with The Guardian in 2013 that a day at the Fringe felt like a week. And the two weeks Byrne spent developing her business seemed like a half-year to her. Finally, the two occurred to wander into the same late-night pub one day. After spotting Walker, Byrne made his move by texting her.

Walker said:.

“I instructed him to meet me at the Holyrood Tavern at midnight,”

It wasn’t until she’d spent the night speaking with Byrne that she realized she’d misjudged him up to that point. Walker said she got to know the guy behind the one she’d seen on stage cracking jokes on multiple times. The comic’s wife described him as a “full package,” saying she fell for someone who was “extremely nice, giving, and humorous.” Walker said that she wasn’t yearning for someone to make her laugh since she was surrounded by comedians with whom she shared the stage. She said the two enjoyed a peaceful relationship since there were no arguments or unpleasant debates. “We seldom butt heads about stuff, and I do miss him while he’s on tour,” Walker recalled, recalling how they stayed in contact, phoning twice or three times a day.

The Story of Ed Byrne’s Meeting with His Wife

Byrne has his own narrative about his first encounter with his wife. During the same interview, he revealed that he met her in August 2003 and attempted to pursue her until she agreed to go out for a drink with him. “She swears to this day that she didn’t like me,” the comic said, before explaining how he eventually convinced her to join him for a drink. Byrne insisted that he “empirically” demonstrated that he was worth going on a few dates with instead of canceling him outright.

Ed Byrne
Before their marriage, Byrne had just broken up with his ex-partner, while Walker, on the other side, was not searching for a committed commitment. The pair took their time getting to know one other, spending four years together. After becoming engaged a year previously, Byrne and his wife Walker exchanged vows in a private ceremony in 2008. On the other hand, Byrne described how Walker almost shocked him by refusing to marry him. “I asked her to marry me, and she shoved the ring back across the table at me and said, ‘I can’t marry you,'” Byrne said. Fortunately, she was kidding.

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