Tina Turner Finds a Form of the Lord's Prayer in Buddhism inside Her Religious Views

Singer-songwriter Tina Turner, also known as the Queen of Rock & Roll, has been very open about her religious beliefs and what made her become a Buddhist.

Tina Turner's life has been filled with ups and downs. The 60s and 70s were probably the most challenging decades in her life as that's when she was married to the late singer Ike Turner.

Their relationship is famous for several reasons, including the physical, mental, and emotional damage that she suffered next to him.

Tina Turner in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil circa 1988 | Photo: Getty Images


After years of living in fear and sustaining different injuries, Tina left Ike. She eventually divorced him and could take her children with her.

During an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Tina urged people who were also stuck in an abusive relationship to "leave," as nothing could be worse than staying with their offensive partner.

Although it might be harsh, Tina also admitted that victims should take care of themselves first and their children second, guaranteeing that kids would eventually understand.


It was also during those dreadful years next to Ike Turner that Tina discovered Buddhism, she told Oprah in the same interview.

According to Tina, the very same women who sold drugs to Ike would ask her why she stayed with him and how she could live with "this madness." Someone eventually told her that Buddhism would save her life.

Given Tina Turner's situation, she was "willing to try anything." She started by chanting ― a traditional practice consisting of preparing one's mind to meditate.

The singer confessed that one day, she chanted and went to the studio right away, where she put down a vocal "just like that." It made Ike feel so excited that he gave her a lot of money and sent her shopping. About it, Tina said:

"I was hooked. I still believe in the Lord's Prayer. I find a form of the Lord's Prayer in Buddhism. Every religion has rules for living a good life."


Tina Turner's faith is one of the main topics explored in her upcoming book titled "Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good."

According to the singer, hope, happiness, and faith are the core themes of her life, and she wrote about all of that in her book. She also confessed that the wisdom of Buddhism "saved her life."

[Tina] focused on Buddhism because she needed refreshment and "new words."

In her upcoming project, co-written with author Craig Taro Gold and singer Regula Curti, Tina will share some of the principles that bring joy and fulfillment to her life so that her readers can "realize" their dreams, as well.

She also revealed that she would connect her experiences with the "wisdom" that helped her transform her life and achieve the impossible. "Happiness Becomes You" is expected to hit the shelves in December 2020.


It is important to point out that Tina was raised as a Baptist but considers herself a Buddhist-Baptist adhered to Soka Gakkai, one of the sub-schools of Nichiren Buddhism.

Soka Gakkai also teaches that chanting the mantra Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō enables people to uncover their "buddha-nature" and embrace the entirety of the Lotus Sutra, one of the most popular Mahayana sutras.

She has also credited the Buddhist mantra, which can be translated to "Glory to the Dharma of the Lotus Sutra," with helping her bear the difficulties in her life.

Talking to Lion's Roar, the singer admitted that changing from being a Baptist to a Buddhist didn't really matter as she learned that both are "the same," only that they used different words.

Tina pointed out that she probably stopped saying the Lord's Prayer and focused on Buddhism because she needed refreshment and "new words" to get to the "next step."

Nowadays, Tina Turner is 80 years old and enjoying her well-deserved retirement with her husband Erwin Bach, whom she married in July 2013.
