Where is Isauro Aguirre Now in 2022? Latest Updates! Unleashing The Latest In Entertainment

Where is Isauro Aguirre now 2022: Tony Aguirre, aka Isauro Aguirre, entered the world on June 13, 1980. Aguirre skipped out on school after repeating two grades, which may point to some sort of learning impairment. He was a caregiver and a driver for the elderly at the Woodland Park Retirement Hotel.

Susan Weisbarth, executive director of the elderly home where Aguirre had worked, recalled him as a “calm, down to earth pleasant person, always willing to help.” She also remarked that throughout his three years working there, he was kind and compassionate, frequently changing the diapers of elderly people.

According to Weisbarth, his affectionate nickname of “Shaggy” was given to him by the facility’s staff. Sherline Mille, a former coworker of Aguirre’s at the Woodland Park Retirement Hotel, recalled that while Aguirre was driving residents, he often took the scenic route so that they might see anything besides the road.

Aguirre started working as a security guard with AVL Private Security in October 2012, and he did so for the Vallarta Market in Palmdale, California. Aguirre and Pearl Fernandez had been together for almost 18 months before they adopted Gabriel.

Where is Isauro Aguirre now in 2022?

The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website confirms that Isauro is presently a prisoner at San Quentin State Prison in California. In fact, Aguirre is still among the living, and it could be quite some time before Isauro goes away.

San Quentin State Prison, where Aguirre is currently being held, has space for 700 inmates, including a large number of those who have been sentenced to death. At least a few of these convicted criminals were reportedly accepted back in the 1970s, as reported by ABC7.

Isauro Aguirre was found guilty of murdering Gabriel Fernandez on June 13th, 2018, and he was sentenced to death. The Palmdale man, 39, was booked into San Quentin State Prison that very day.

Considering that Pearl will never be released from prison and Isauro is already on death row, the couple will spend the rest of their lives in solitary confinement. Aguirre is a death row inmate in San Quentin, California’s oldest jail.

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“Why don’t we have a death date yet for Isauro Aguirre? He was sentenced to death on June 13, 2018. Why are we using public dollars to feed Gabriel Hernandez (#GabrielFernandezTrials)? A third person remarked, “I cannot believe Isauro Aguirre is still on death row and has not been executed yet dpmo.”

San Quentin State Prison, where Aguirre is currently being held, has a death row population of 700. Several of these convicted criminals were reportedly accepted in the 1970s, as reported by ABC7.

Why Did Aguirre Strike the Child?

Los Angeles police said that Aguirre hit the boy because he thought the boy was gay. When the murder occurred, Aguirre was working as a security guard for a grocery store owned by AVL Private Security. He seemed a natural fit for security work, what with his towering stature and all.

In 2013, police in Los Angeles responded to a 911 call regarding a child who had stopped breathing in a condo. Eight-year-old Gabriel Fernandez was found unresponsive upon arrival.


Surprisingly, considering the cruelty he would display outside of work, Aguirre had worked as a caretaker and driver at Woodland Park Retirement Hotel. Residents, who he gave direct care, seemed to appreciate his efforts. The locals kept pleading with him to pay more attention to them. His supervisor, Susan Weisbarth, noted that the elderly residents “loved him like a teddy bear.” “Members of the staff also did this.”

The documentary states that Gabriel’s biological father is Arnold Contreras, who also fathered Pearl Fernandez’s two older children. Contreras and the rest of Fernandez’s family all said she didn’t want more kids when Gabriel was conceived. She agreed to have the baby when her uncle Michael Lemos Carranza and his boyfriend David Martinez offered to raise the kid for her.

On the night of the horrific beating, Aguirre revealed his sexual orientation to the rescue workers who were trying to save the child’s life. The night he passed away, hospital staff found that he had twelve broken ribs and a shattered cranium in addition to his long-standing conditions, such as burns.
