Baby Dylan Autopsy Photos Leave Defendants Sobbing & Devastated

Baby Dylan’s autopsy photos accurately display the barbarism he was subjected to.

The Montgomery County Coroner’s office performed the autopsy for Dylan Groves, whose body was found in a well six months after his birth in Otway.

The report states his body was concealed in several plastic bags, secured with duct tape, and placed in crates bound with chains. 

Scioto County authorities believe Dylan, born on January 10th, 2019, died or, more specifically, was murdered in late March. 

The report said he suffered multiple fractures to his skull, leg, and ribs. A toxicology analysis was not included in the autopsy report, but a note reveals the presence of methamphetamine and amphetamine in his system.

Montgomery County Deputy Coroner Susan Brown stated that her opinion is Groves died from homicidal violence.

Dylan’s parents, Jessica and Daniel Groves were indicted on murder charges two days after his body was found.

Jessica and Daniel Groves have pleaded not guilty to aggravated murder and other charges for the death of their infant son, Dylan. 

Other charges they faced included kidnapping, endangering children, tampering with evidence, interference with custody, gross abuse of a corpse, and four counts of felonious assault.

Steve Gambill, a firefighter with the Otway Fire Department, testified about recovering the baby’s body from the well.

“It was two milk crates. The milk crates were tied together, open end to open end. They were tied with copper wire, I believe, tire wire it looked like they used. It could have even been a few tie wraps and zip ties on it and then there was a chain wrapped around it with padlocks,” said Steve. 

Gambill also described the rocks used to weigh the crate down and how they had to pump out about 13 feet of water from the 30-foot well.

The well in which Dylan’s body was found was allegedly 30 feet deep. The poor baby’s body was resting at the bottom of the well.

The firefighter that discovered Dylan’s body said a rotten smell was coming from it, indicating that the body had been there for a while. 

The doctor who performed the autopsy said that the baby died from “homicidal violence” but concluded she could not say exactly what mechanism or method caused the numerous injuries to Dylan. 

Dr. Brown testified that Dylan’s brain was liquified when she received the body due to decomposition and noted a pink fluid in the cranial cavity that may have been the result of a brain bleed. 

She said some of the injuries, including rib, leg, arm, and skull fractures, were in different stages of healing and estimated that there were at least three violent incidents.

Daniel and Jessica sat sobbing beneath the large screen on which their dead son’s autopsy photos were displayed.

According to the doctor, the baby’s exact cause of death could not be determined because a typical exam could not be performed because his body was decomposing from being concealed and in water for months.

Did Daniel and Jessica receive the punishment they deserved?

After repeatedly lying to law enforcement about the location of his son’s body, Daniel Groves finally pointed to the spring well hidden by overgrown grass and weeds in the middle of a remote field.

Investigator Jodi Conkel reported the defendant Daniel was ”dope sick,” meaning he was in withdrawal when she interviewed him. 

Conkel also recounted her interview with Jessica Groves, wherein she recalled that Jessica Groves was very “cold, distant, and uncooperative” and refused to look at a picture of her son that the detective had shown her.

After Conkel had permitted a brief visit between Daniel and Jessica, Daniel was heard on the recording of that visit telling his wife that he lied about where he had placed the body. 

Jessica Groves stated she was worried about their dogs and proclaimed, “We are all we have-till death do us part.”

Following Conkel was the minor son of Daniel and Jessica Groves, who testified that he had witnessed swelling and bruising on Dylan’s head. He asked for an explanation from his father, who said that Dylan was waving his arm, which got caught in a dream catcher. 

The dream catcher then ended up hitting Dylan’s head, which caused the swelling. 

The defendant’s other son also told the jury that his father had asked him, on multiple occasions, to provide a urine sample in a capped bottle.

Daniel Groves was found guilty on all but one charge; aggravated murder. The couple was convicted on what would’ve been baby Dylan’s first birthday.

Daniel and Jessica Groves are facing life in prison. The couple faces multiple charges, including murder and gross abuse of a corpse. 

They were arrested in June after Dylan Groves’ decomposed body was found at the bottom of a 30-foot well near their home.
