Jennifer Ashley Harper Biography, Family, Facts About Dave Matthews Wife

Jennifer Ashley Harper’s name doesn’t ring a bell until that of her superstar husband is mentioned. Jennifer is not a mainstream celebrity, but she has gained public attention as the wife of Grammy Award-winning music legend Dave Matthews, who is known as a singer, guitarist, actress and songwriter. Jennifer’s professional life has never attracted any public attention, which may be because she doesn’t have any. On the home front, however, she is busy being a good mother and a loving wife.

Jennifer Ashley Harper’s Bio

Dave Matthews’ wife is of American nationality of White ethnicity and she was born on November 30, 1967. Unfortunately, information about Jennifer Ashley Harper’s formative years is lacking and likewise nothing is known about her academic qualifications.


Jennifer’s family details have never gone under the media radar so no one knows about her parents as they were never identified. It is also not known if she is an only child or has siblings.

More facts about Dave Matthew’s wife

Wealth (income and earnings)

It’s very hard to predict Jennifer Ashley’s Harper’s net worth since she burst into the spotlight is largely thanks to her husband. Her occupation is not known but she might be a housewife taking care of her husband and children. However, her husband’s fortune has recently been estimated at a staggering £300 million and he is one of the largest landowners in Virginia.

Your relationship with Dave Matthews

Jennifer Ashley Harper may not be a celebrity in her own right, but the details of her personal life are open owing to her celebrity husband, Dave Mathews, being well known in the music world as a Grammy Award winner. Jennifer’s spouse is best known as the singer, guitarist and songwriter for the musical band popularly known as the Dave Matthews Band. The legendary musician has also had a few appearances as an actor in the past. Dave began experimenting with musical instruments in his formative years and today the celebrated musician has achieved legendary status in his chosen field.

The exact date of the couple’s wedding is not known, according to the records, while they had publicly announced the marriage in 1994, before their union, they had a date of almost ten years before they decided to culminate their relationship in a wedding ceremony.

Their marriage has successfully counted down a decade and is fast approaching a second decade. From the start of their marriage to date, their story has always been one of success as they welcomed three children in a very short space of time. Jennifer Ashley Harper gave birth to twin daughters named Grace Ann and Stella Busina for the first time on August 15, 2001. The twins soon became sisters to August Oliver – their younger brother, who announced his joining on June 19, 2007.

Along with his younger sister Jane, Dave also takes care of his older sister’s two children after their mother Anne was murdered by her husband in 1994 (the husband took his own life afterwards). The Matthews family lives together in Seattle, Washington. Dave revealed in a 2001 interview that he is agnostic, but it is not clear if his wife is with him or is of a different faith.

Even without believing in the existence of God,Jennifer Ashley Harper’s husband is a notable philanthropist and has contributed extensively to charitable causes. Along with other famous musicians such as John Mellencamp, Willie Nelson and Neil Young, Dave serves on the board of directors of Farm Aid – the board responsible for raising funds for family farmers across the US.

Even after almost two decades in marriage, the love between Jennifer Ashley Harper and her husband seems to only get stronger with the years. For his part, Jennifer’s spouse is a loving husband and caring father who always has time for his family, even when he has a busy schedule, family always comes first. The Matthews family always goes on vacation and spends a lot of time together.

Jennifer Ashley Harper’s twin daughters GraceAnne and Stella Busina are adults, currently in their late teens, while their son August Oliver is slowly approaching his teens. On their own, the couple is a good example of what a celebrity marriage should look like as they try to be good parents to their kids.

Jennifer Ashley Harper’s height

Jennifer Ashley Harper’s height and body weight has never attracted media attention, which may be due to the fact that she’s not a mainstream celebrity. However, she is a good size with weight to match. From her photos it appears that she is blonde and has brown eyes.

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