Jordan Ward and Kianna Randall: (16 and) Pregnant Again!

Maybe Jordan Ward and Kianna Randall of 16 & Pregnant fame are angling their own MTV spinoff called 18 & Pregnant … because they both are, according to reports.

“Jordan’s baby girl is due in November,” a friend confirms.

She’s already the mother of 18-month-old Noah. As we reported earlier this year, Jordan Ward’s pregnancy was announced via Facebook as an eff-you to the haters.

The also-pregnant Kianna, meanwhile, already has an 11-month-old son, Kay’den (yep, that apostrophe is correct). It’s unclear when she’s due with her second one.

Jordan Ward is married at least. Kianna Randall? We’re not sure.

Being knocked up while facing felony charges for allegedly attempting to break into a home in Tarrant County, Tex., poses some new complications for her, though.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by any of this.

“One out of four teen moms will have a repeat birth within two years,” said 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom “therapist” Dr. Drew Pinsky on the show’s recent reunion.

There you go. We would’ve bet on Jenelle Evans, though. Even if she knows what control is, it’s unlikely she’d remember to use it in a blacked-out drunken haze.
