Hexagram 20 iChing: Observation - I Ching 20 Video

What Is I Ching Hexagram 20 All About?

Kuan is the Chinese name of the I Ching Hexagram 20. This has inner and outer trigrams forming wind over Earth. This Hexagram is called ‘observation’ or named ‘viewing’ or ‘contemplation.’



Hexagram 20 symbolizes the need to move away from the current and reconnect with society. When you only focus on potential problems, your mind can be directed away from the big picture. It is important to remain alert at all times to observe what is happening around you.

I Ching 20 meaning - Hexagram 20 Observation

I Ching Hexagram 20 Interpretation and Meaning

Hexagram 20 represents the potential of missing parts of life when we focus on one part. We can worry so much about what potential problems might arise. Thus, we isolate ourselves from the world and become only concerned with our issues. This hexagram shows the importance of being observant. It also suggests to look up from our work to see the world around us.



We need to realize that our focus has been obscured from reality. It is the time to start reconnecting with society. This could include going to public events such as concerts and shows to feel a part of a group.

We need to step outside our comfort zone to see what is happening in life around us. Then, it is easy to forget all that worries us, and it can even help us move forward. When feeling isolated in one environment, consider traveling to rid the mind and soul of those feelings. Discovery can be the key to understanding current problems.



I Ching Hexagram 20 Goals – Personal Goals

When we feel left out from the rest of the world, take the time to give life a reassessment. Observe the community up close or from afar. It can be fun and fascinating to take part in the changes in the community.

Venture out into the world and or even travel alone to gain a new perspective. Realize there is more to life than what you currently understand.



I Ching Hexagram 20 Love – Love Interpretation

The soul and spirit can sometimes feel weak when we take ourselves out of reality and only focus on ourselves. When we have gone a long time without reconnecting with friends and family, we can feel alone or even unwanted. This is a subconscious consequence of not focusing on the larger picture of life.

Take this time to speak with those you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Hexagram 20 explains that by being attentive to the world around you, those who fill your life with love can often help you realize your place in the world. It is human nature to want to surround ourselves with other people who will help uplift our spirits and nourish the soul.

I Ching Hexagram Number 20 – Career and Business

In the work environment, it is easy to get into a routine that never changes or deviates. When this realization occurs, there are a few solutions that can help reignite the business area and inspire new working relationships. Take the time to become reacquainted with clients and customers.

Investigate their needs and wants to see if production needs new changes. Every phase in life is temporary, and so are the needs of society. Taking the time to discover these new needs might mean a larger opportunity for the business. Venture into the community and meet with business clients to honestly learn about them.

iChing 20 Judgment – The Judgment Poem

CONTEMPLATION. The ablution has been made,
But not yet the offering.
Full of trust they look up to him.

iChing 20 Poem – The Image Poem

The wind blows over the earth:
Thus the kings of old visited the regions of the world,
Contemplated the people,
And gave them instructions.

iChing 20 – Conclusion

Hexagram 20 Yijing is great advice to follow that will help the progress of success as we realize the world is going through constant change. Not being able to take the advice of others or constantly sheltering ourselves from reality will only lead us into misunderstanding. It will then be hard to see what is going on around us and we can then lose the opportunity to progress.
