The Man Behind Family Guy's Most Mysterious Joke

It’s not necessary to know David Geffen’s entire life story to understand the “Family Guy” joke. He’s just an obscenely wealthy man, and the show’s poking fun at how people can buy their way into anything when they get that rich. There were certainly plenty of confused reactions on social media from people who simply didn’t know who Geffen was, but those who did were in for a treat. 

Shortly after the episode aired, plenty of people took to Twitter to make it clear they understood the reference, and they found it hilarious. One such person was Twitter user @MrAlvinSane: “David Geffen burn was TOO SAVAGE. Dude is rich and powerful enough to buy his way out of a lot of things, including an FG roasting apparently.” After Peter’s conversation with Joe, the episode ends with the Griffin family in the newly christened “David Geffen Living Room,” which was just too much for @ShoryukenF to bear: “The David Geffen Living Room?! lol.”

There’s no shortage of savage celebrity burns on “Family Guy” over the years. The show even makes fun of its own, with the sitcom berating Seth Green (who voices Chris) during the “Star Wars” special episodes and how unfunny “Robot Chicken” is. David Geffen got out relatively unscathed with his “Family Guy” reference, and now, more people know who the multibillionaire is. 
